Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I'm back!

I will start by saying I am so sorry for it being so long since I have posted. It seems like every time I would sit down to write, something would come up. The phone would ring, Logan or Emma would need something, blah blah blah....

The last few months have gone so fast, as did the whole summer. To be transparent I will tell you that the last few months I had been struggling with depression. I take Zoloft so I just couldn't figure out what was going on. I also take Melatonin at night to help me sleep. I felt like God was telling me to get off of the Melatonin. I decided to start researching side effects of it and found out that melatonin can worsen the symptoms of depression. I decided to stop taking it and see what happened, and to my surprise, my depression is so much better. I certainly still have my days but overall I would say that I am about 90% back to normal!

So on the diet front....As of last time I blogged (August 5th) I have lost another 6.6 lbs for a total of 30.4 lbs! I should say that I wish this number was higher but the only person I can blame that on is myself. I have been cheating a lot more and not exercising like I should be. I need to get the excitement to loose weight back. Hey, I guess 6.6 lbs lost is better than gaining weight, I keep reminding myself of that so that I don't get discouraged.

On a brighter note...1 year ago today, at this moment, I was holding Emma for the very first time....Happy Birthday to my sweet sweet little angel. I never realized how much I would enjoy having a little girl until I had one! I just love all of the pink and fun hair bows!. Her smile just lights up a room. She loves her big brother so much and follows him everywhere! Here are a couple recent pics of my birthday girl...enjoy!


  1. Proud of you! You are right- the enemy wants to discourage you and condemn you but you are walking in victory! Way to go!
