I have been feeling kinda down in the dumps the past week or so. I can't really pinpoint anything that is making me feel down which is frustrating. I am trying to focus on all the positives in my life and that usually lifts my spirits. I look into the eyes of Logan and Emma and see their smiling faces and I can't help but smile myself. I also have not been as excited to do devotions. For awhile there I was so anxious to see what I was gonna learn about next in my book but now I feel like I am just reading to read, like my heart really in it. I guess we all go through ups and downs, this too shall pass.
So being on a lower carb type diet makes it difficult to figure out what to fix for dinner. I don't know why but I always feel like I need a protein, starch and a veggie. I am trying to change that about the way I cook in that I don't always need to have a starch. So yesterday for instance, I had zucchini and broccoli so I decided to just make that into a side dish. I steamed them then put them in a saute pan with seasonings and I must say....I didn't miss the starch at all! However, there are times when I want to use a starch and I have found my diet saver, Dreamfield noodles. If you have never heard of them, they are a line of pasta that has only 5 digestible carbs per serving, and they don't taste bad! I have also learned to use cauliflower like a potato or pasta, the other day I made "mac and cheese" with cauliflower instead of noodles and it was so yummy.
Ok, well I gotta get the kids to bed, just wanted to check in!
can i have the mac and cheese with cauliflower recipe? i too am trying to eat healthier and cut down on carbs.